Alex Smith - Dayton

Alex Smith
Directory Profile

Alex Smith

Alex Smith is a Dayton native with a passion for community and urban development. In his free time, he enjoys the outdoors and volunteering. He currently serves as the Web & Digital Marketing Manager.

Posts by Alex Smith

John H. Patterson, the cash and the flood

John H. Patterson, the cash and the flood

12/13/2015: Dayton, OH - Dayton's economy is forever grateful to Patterson for his business acumen, but his greatest contributions may have come during The Great Flood of 1913.

Charles F. Kettering: Not Your Typical Innovator

Charles F. Kettering: Not Your Typical Innovator

11/24/2015: Dayton, OH - Inventor, engineer, businessman, and the holder of 186 patents. But how much do you really know about Boss Kett?

Dayton Dragons Shine in Gem City

Dayton Dragons Shine in Gem City

7/06/2013: Dayton, OH - Entering the team's 14th season in Dayton, the Dragons baseball franchise has been nothing but a major success; the team has the longest sellout streak in professional sports, as of today 955 and counting.

More than baseball back with Dragons home opener

More than baseball back with Dragons home opener

4/11/2013: Dayton, OH - Spring has finally arrived and as the sun comes out to play, so too will the Dayton's own professional baseball franchise, the Dayton Dragons.

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