Kettering Children's Choir - Kettering
Founded in 1986, KCC now includes almost 100 singers from 9 counties and 30 Miami Valley communities. Singers range in age from 8 to 18 and are admitted to the program by audition. Next open auditions: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 5:00pm-7:00pm at Wright State University Creative Arts Center.
No appointments are needed for open auditions and no special preparation is necessary. Auditions are for TREBLE voices, ages 8-18 (Chorus, Chorale, Concert Choir) and Auditions for changed BARITONE voices (Cantamus)
Upcoming Events: Kettering Children's Choir
CELEBRATE! Kettering Children's Choir Community Holiday Concert
The Chorus, Chorale, Concert, Cantamus and Cappella Choirs of Kettering Children's Choir present their annual Holiday gift to the Community.