Brady Campaign Dayton - Dayton

Brady Campaign Dayton
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Brady Campaign Dayton

Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence Dayton Chapter.

We believe it is too easy for dangerous people to obtain dangerous weapons. There are only a few strong gun laws on the books, and even those have loopholes. This leads to senseless gun violence affecting tens of thousands.

But we CAN do something about it. We should make it harder for convicted felons, the dangerously mentally ill, and others like them to get the guns in the first place.

We can do this by passing effective laws that make sense: requiring Brady criminal background checks on all gun sales; restricting access to military-style assault weapons; and strengthening law enforcement’s efforts to stop the illegal gun market, like limiting the number of guns that can be bought at one time.

Thousands upon thousands of people will continue to die and be injured needlessly each year without stronger, sensible gun laws. The Brady Campaign fights for sensible gun laws to protect you, your family, and your community.

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