City of Englewood - Englewood

City of Englewood
Directory Profile

City of Englewood

333 W. National Rd.
Englewood, OH, 45322

Official profile for the City of Englewood

Upcoming Events: City of Englewood

Englewood Easter Egg Hunt

Englewood Easter Egg Hunt


The Englewood Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Centennial Park on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Englewood July 4th Fireworks Celebration

Englewood July 4th Fireworks Celebration


Englewood 4th of July / Fireworks Celebration - Join us as we celebrate Independence Day at Centennial Park!

Englewood Art Festival

Englewood Art Festival


The Englewood Festival and Arts Commission is proud to present its Annual Englewood Festival featuring artisans and entertainers at Centennial Park.

Englewood Trick or Treat

Englewood Trick or Treat


Beggar's Night in the City of Englewood - Witches, ghouls and goblins will take to the streets seeking treats Oct 31 from 6 to 8 p.m.

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