AHOP - A House of Prayer - Xenia
When our church was born, the inspiration for our name came from Isaiah 56:7 that says “my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” So we used the acronym and called it AHOP.
AHOP is a community… More than a building, a name, or a weekend gathering, AHOP is a community of people. We are living together the adventure for which God created us: pursuing Christ and being changed by Him. At AHOP, “community” is more than just a passive synonym for “group.” It’s connection and relationship built on shared purpose and passion. It happens in weekly Celebration services; connect groups during the week; teams that pray, serve, lead, and reach out together; and partnerships with other churches and organizations.… being transformed by Christ…God doesn’t want us to stay the same. In fact, He tells us to “be transformed through the renewing of our minds.” AHOP is a community of seekers and learners. We’re seeking to know God better, hear His voice, and learn to respond to Him with our lives. The more we seek Him, the more God reveals of Himself—and of who He wants us to be.