University of Dayton Galleries - Dayton

University of Dayton Galleries
Directory Profile

University of Dayton Galleries

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio, 45469

University of Dayton's Galleries are an showcase of what is happening in the world of visual art, the Department of Art and Design and our interactions with the community at large.

Upcoming Events: University of Dayton Galleries

Sights and Sounds of Nature by Nina Grauley and Beth Guipe Hall

Sights and Sounds of Nature by Nina Grauley and Beth Guipe Hall


Explore Sights and Sounds of Nature, featuring the works of artists Beth Guipe Hall and Nina Grauley at the Roger Glass Center for the Arts Gallery; Feb. 21st - Mar. 14th. Reception Thursday February 27th, 5:30 - 7:30 PM

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