Kroger testing one-way grocery aisles to improve social distancing

last updated 04/06/2020
Kroger testing one-way grocery aisles to improve social distancing

Kroger plans to test one-way aisles as a way to further limit exposure to COVID-19 coronavirus by improving social distancing.

Kroger testing one-way grocery aisles to improve social distancing

Kroger testing one-way grocery aisles to improve social distancing

As the coronavirus crisis continues, and new rules under Ohio's extended stay-at-home order requiring stores to limit the number of people inside take effect, grocery stores are getting creative in an effort to keep shoppers safe.

Cincinnati-based Kroger plans to test one-way aisles in their stores as one way to further limit exposure to COVID-19 coronavirus by improving social distancing.

Kroger, which experienced a surge in sales of more than 30% during March as coronavirus panic has led to shoppers stockpiling, said they will begin experimenting with some of its stores as a way to help lessen physical proximity among shoppers.  It's unclear when any stores in the Dayton area might be affected by this change.  

In addition, Kroger is adding floor decals to all check-out lanes to ensure everyone understands proper social distance, as well as installing plexi-glass at check-outs in stores to keep customers and employees safely apart.

The grocery chain has also announced a bonus for all hourly frontline associates.  The "hero bonus" of $2 an hour will be added to base pay for hours worked March 29 through April 18.

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