WATCH: Dayton Philharmonic Virtual Orchestra - Hang on Sloopy!

last updated 04/03/2020
WATCH: Dayton Philharmonic Virtual Orchestra - Hang on Sloopy!

Conductor Neal Gittleman leads the Dayton Philharmonic Virtual Orchestra in a performance of "Hang On Sloopy" during the unprecedented time of COVID-19.

WATCH: Dayton Philharmonic Virtual Orchestra - Hang on Sloopy!

Welcome to the first-ever performance by your Virtual Dayton Philharmonic!

Thirty-one members of the orchestra recorded individual performances of “Hang On, Sloopy,” Ohio’s official rock song to allow me to create this composite performance. Sure, it would’ve been more elegant to start things off with Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”, as other orchestras have done, but hey, we are not like other orchestras, folks!

Maybe the next Virtual DPO performance will be Mozart or something like that. But “Sloopy” struck me as THE perfect piece for us to play for you first—to put some pep in your step, a smile on your face, some lightness in your heart, and some hope in your spirit. Sure, things are tough. But Sloopy had it tougher!  Hang on!!!!


Neal Gittleman, 

Artistic Director and Conductor, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra

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