St. Petersburg Piano Quartet

St. Petersburg Piano Quartet

The final Vanguard Legacy Concert of the ArtsLIVE season at the University of Dayton.

Event details

Address: 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sun, Mar 11 2018)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $18 general admission/ $15 seniors & UD affiliations/ $8 students & youth

St. Petersburg Piano Quartet

The final Vanguard Legacy Concert of the ArtsLIVE season at the University of Dayton, this international ensemble features a duo of Russian virtuoso string players, an award-winning Cuban-American cellist, and a pianist from China.  Their program begins with the Ohio premiere of a composition by Native American Becenti, as well as piano quartets by Schumann, Beethoven, and Brahms.

University of Dayton Sears Recital Hall

St. Petersburg Piano Quartet is taking place at University of Dayton Sears Recital Hall, which is located at 300 College Park in Dayton. University of Dayton Sears Recital Hall - The H. Troy and Eileen Sears Recital Hall is a 183-seat facility located on the first floor of the Jesse Philips Humanities Center at the University of Dayton.

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