The Electric Light Orchestra Experience

The Electric Light Orchestra Experience

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! The Electric Light Orchestra Experience is the UK’s official no. 1 tribute to the Electric Light Orchestra! Playing nationally, come see this incredible show for yourself!

Event details

Address: 695 Lincoln Park Blvd, Dayton, OH 45429 [Map/directions]
Add to Google calendar Thu, Aug 01 2024 7:30pm
Thu, Aug 01 2024 7:30pm
Cost: $29+

The Electric Light Orchestra Experience featuring Evil Woman - The American ELO

Evil Woman, The American ELO is widely recognized as the world’s premier tribute to ELO due to their brilliant arrangements, flawless musicianship & superlative vocals. 

 Picking up where the Beatles left off in 1970, the UK-based ELO expanded the concept of great melodies, epic song structures and grand orchestrations where cellos coexisted with guitars, and where classically tinged progressive rock intersected with hook-filled, radio-friendly pop songs resulting in ELO becoming one of the most popular groups of the 1970’s and perhaps even more so today. 

 Numerous hit songs include “Evil Woman,” “Telephone Line,” “Mr. Blue Sky,” “Xanadu,” “Livin’ Thing,” “Don’t Bring Me Down,” among numerous others.

Fraze Pavilion

The Electric Light Orchestra Experience is taking place at Fraze Pavilion, which is located at 695 Lincoln Park Blvd in Dayton. Fraze Pavilion - Fraze Pavilion is southwestern Ohio's premiere outdoor entertainment venue.

Dayton Events Calendar

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