Blackwater Band

Blackwater Band

Hear Blackwater Band perform traditional, high energy, bluegrass tunes at the City of Springboro's North Park. Bring your own seating. Concessions provided by the Rotary Club of Springboro.

Event details

Venue: North Park
Address: 195 Tamarack Trail, Springboro, OH 45066 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Tue, Jul 06 2021)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

North Park

Blackwater Band is taking place at North Park, which is located at 195 Tamarack Trail in Springboro. North Park - North Park has 2 lighted tennis courts, 3 soccer fields,1 shelter, 1 playground area, a concession stand, .89 mile walking trail and offers a summer concert series and theatre under the stars at the North Park Amphitheater.

City of Springboro.

City of Springboro - Official profile for the City of Springboro

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