Rob Little at Dayton Funny Bone

Rob Little at Dayton Funny Bone

His name may be Little, but there is nothing but Big laughs whenever Rob Little is around.

Event details

Address: 88 Plum Street, Beavercreek, OH 45440 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Aug 10 2024)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $20

Rob Little at Dayton Funny Bone

Little uses his training from the world famous Second City Improv Comedy Club to create routines that are inventive, funny, spontaneous, and completely unique. Having established himself as one of the peak performers in Clubs, Colleges, Cruises, and Corporates within the Country, it’s easy to understand why Last Comic Standing on NBC named him The Happiest Comic in America, Campus Activities Magazine named him College Comic of the Year, Carnival Cruise line named him Top Cruise Line Comedian, Budweiser named him the “Real Man of Comedy”, and Maxim Magazine named him Comedian of the Year.

Getting to Know….Rob Little

by Mike Woody

What would you name the autobiography of your life?

“I Followed my Big City Dream From A 1 Light Town.”

 I grew up in a 1 light farming town about 2 hours north of Detroit.  I have wanted to be a stand - up comedian since I was 5 years old and never thought it would happen.  After going to college and getting a degree which moved me to Detroit and opened me up to so many new experiences.  Since then I have traveled all over the country, met some amazing people, seen so many cool things, and experienced more in life than I ever would have if I would have stayed in my home town.  It’s been an amazing life.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be with, and why?

Paula Deen’s husband. I like to eat.

What’s one of the worst experiences you’ve had from living life on the road?

Crazy question because most people want to know the best things but they rarely realize that we go through a lot of bad things when traveling to get on stage for an hour.  I’ve had tons of travel nightmares include flight scares, car accidents, and a train crash, I have been alone on countless holidays, I’ve stayed in some of the shadiest places, I’ve been robbed, I’ve had to perform after surgeries or even crazy sick with migraines.  But I guess the things that occurs the most that is the thing that gets me down all the time is the loneliness we have to deal with being gone all the time.  Missing out on holidays, birthdays, sporting events, time with friends and family, or most of all not even having my own family.  I have never been married and no kids.

What do you hate the sound of?

Either babies crying or whiney spoiled rotten kids. (Probably why I have never had kids)

What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?

Cut a family member off after being taken advantage of.

What is something you’ve learned in the last week?

I learned that the Pope is a pretty cool dude. He impressed me with one line. He said something like, if you meet me and you are a non-believer then just wish me well. I thought that it was amazing that he wasn’t forcing beliefs or religion on anyone but more just promoting a positive life!

What’s been one of your most embarrassing moments?

I have been asked this countless times and I always wish I had a huge embarrassing moment but I really don’t.  I rarely ever get embarrassed.  Recently I met my most favorite comedian, Brian Regan during a Q&A with SiriusXM radio.  I got to ask him a question and he had been talking about how no one really knows him as a house hold name but here he is selling out Radio City Music Hall.  I said something like, “I hate when people ask me, who is your favorite comedian and I said Brian Regan, and then they are always like, Who?”  And before I could finish what I was saying people started to boo me somewhat.  I meant to finish saying that I think it’s ridiculous that they don’t know who he is because I think he is the best.  Well I was so nervous that I think it just came out wrong and I felt horrible after.  Brian made a joke about it and totally knew what I was talking about but I was still quite embarrassed after that.

What’s a TV series you have seen every episode of?

Hands down, “Family Guy.” I never get sick of it. I watch it every night before I go to bed.

Any specific memories of Dayton?

The one thing I remember about Dayton is, years ago a local great comedian Rob Haney gave me a chance to play his club and as I was on stage I told a joke that made someone spit out their whole drink on the person in front of them.  It was amazing.  My first spit take!  And it wasn’t a little bit, it was a lot and the show stopped as everyone laughed so hard about this.  The poor person that took the drink to the back of the head was such a good sport and I bought them all drinks and continued the show!  I’ll never forget that because you hear of things like this happening but it was awesome to actually witness it from something I said.

How about a joke?

I love being bald. Look at all the money I save by not going…on dates.

Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club

Rob Little at Dayton Funny Bone is taking place at Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club, which is located at 88 Plum Street in Beavercreek. Dayton Funny Bone Comedy Club - The Funny Bone is a comedy club that brings Dayton the best stand-up shows in the nation!

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