RAY HENSLEY @ Bricky's Comedy Club

RAY HENSLEY @ Bricky's Comedy Club

Ray Hensley is one of Indianapolis's best standup comedians and on July 22nd he's coming out here to Ohio to bring his unique comedy stylings to Bricky's!

Event details

Address: 319 S. Second St., Miamisburg, OH 45342 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, Jul 22 2023)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $15

Star City Brewing Company

RAY HENSLEY @ Bricky's Comedy Club is taking place at Star City Brewing Company, which is located at 319 S. Second St. in Miamisburg. Star City Brewing Company - Proud to offer great-tasting brews and good times in a casual tasting room at the historic, former Peerless Mill Inn. We have three rooms available for private events.

Bricky's Comedy Club.

Bricky's Comedy Club - Bricky's Comedy Club is a live comedy venue featuring some of the best up-and-coming comedy acts from around the Midwest and surrounding regions.

Dayton Events Calendar

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