Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
A unique blend of comedy, juggling, and performing pets for an afternoon of family fun!
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is pure entertainment for the whole family, featuring a unique blend of comedy and juggling skills of Ukrainian circus performer Gregory Popovich and the extraordinary talents of his performing pets. His entourage consists of world-class jugglers, over 30 performing pets, including house cats and dogs (all rescued from animal shelters!), geese, white doves, and parrots! A professional circus performer from age 12, Popovich personally trains his furry friends that form the core cast of Comedy Pet Theater. Popovich and his talented team have been featured on television's The Tonight Show, Animal Planet, and America's Got Talent! He brings his award-winning, family-oriented performance, overflowing with stunning animal tricks, Gregory's laugh-out-loud comedy, mesmerizing juggling, and performances by European-style clowns to the APAC stage this February!