Women's Only CCW Class

Upon successful completion, this class will give you a certificate to apply for your Ohio Concealed Carry License, and basic firearms knowledge and defensive shooting fundamentals.
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Women's Only CCW Class
We specialize in Personal Protection & Safety Strategies for the entire family.
The state of Ohio requires a person who wants to apply for an Ohio License to Carry a Concealed Handgun otherwise known as a “CCW Permit” to meet certain educational criteria. We understand that some people have little to no experience shooting a handgun. For that reason, we have decided to offer a Basic Ohio Concealed Carry Class using the SAFTD Defensive Handgun course. For those of you who wish to take a more basic course, yet still be able to apply for your "Ohio License To Carry A Concealed Handgun"
The Second Amendment Foundation Training Division's “Defensive Handgun ” course, along with an expanded course of fire and an additional lesson on Ohio Concealed Carry law, meets that criteria. For that reason we have chosen to use this curriculum for students who would like to obtain the training necessary to apply to the State of Ohio for their carry license.
Our CCW Class begins promptly at 8am, in the classroom at Defensive Training Solution on Stone Circle Drive in Troy OH. We will then move to an outdoor range for practical drills in the afternoon.
The goal of the Second Amendment Foundation Training Division's “Defensive Handgun 1” course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of handgun safety, various types of handguns, an understanding of ammunition and how it functions, shooting fundamentals and an introduction to defensive shooting skills.
A student new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the use of a firearm – in this case a handgun – to defend themselves, their family or someone in their charge. Defensive Handgun 1 is specifically designed to provide a person new to handguns the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn those skills.
A number of topics will be covered in Defensive Handgun 1 – Introduction to the Defensive Use of a Handgun”. These include but are not limited to:
Safe handling of your firearm.
Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
Basic components of a Double Action Revolver.
Basic components of a Semi-Automatic Pistol
Operation of a Double– Action Revolver
Operation of a Single and a Double Action Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Working With A Natural Defensive Stance
2-Handed and Single Handed Engagements
Integrating The Color Code Into Your Life
Lawful use of force
Finding Your Balance of Speed and Precision
Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages
Progressive Shooting Drills
Definition of Cover and Concealment
Use of Cover
Selecting a Pistol and Ammunition
Cleaning and Maintain your Pistols
In addition to the SAFTD curriculum, there will be a section of this course that includes an overview of: The pamphlet prepared by the Ohio peace officer training commission
Required Equipment:
A modern, serviceable, center-fire handgun (Semi-automatic Highly Recommended)
Ear and Eye protection (electronic muffs preferred).
No pocket guns as Keltec PF9, Ruger LCP etc.
Semi-Automatic Pistol or Double Action Revolver .38 special or 9mm or above.
150 Rounds of Ammunition: Factory fresh ammo only. NO RELOADS or specialty ammo such as RIP ammo etc.
Two extra functional magazines (semi-autos) or speed-loaders (revolvers)
Comfortable clothing, knee-pads (optional but recommended).
Hydration system or Bottled water.
Shoes – comfortable with sufficient support to permit a full range of motion. No sandals or flip-flops.
Long Pants, Shirt With Higher Collar
Sturdy Belt
Baseball Cap
Course length is a full day, typically 8 hours. Students may bring their own lunch or order from a menu provided during class. Snacks and drinks will be made available as well. There are short breaks throughout both the classroom session and shooting range drills.