Social Vintage Dance Lessons Friday Nights
We socially dance many types of historical and modern dances. Our emphasis is typically on having fun with partnered social dances, but we also do set dances, circle dances, line dances, and solo dance as well.
Event details
Event by: Dayton Vintage Dance
Venue: Dayton Liederkranz Turner
Address: 1400 E. Fifth Street, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Cost: $5.00 / $3.oo Students
Come dance with us! Come as you are... no partner or experience required.
Our normal mode of operation is as a one-room schoolhouse. This allows novice dancers to be paired with experienced dancers which helps novice dancers learn dances much more quickly than if they were to be paired with other novices and encourages experienced dancers to focus on clear communication and flexibility in dance.
All levels and styles of dancers are welcome.
: 7:45PM - 8:00PM
Lesson: 8:00PM - 9:00PM
Open Dance: 9:00PM-10:00PM
Dayton Liederkranz Turner
Social Vintage Dance Lessons Friday Nights is taking place at Dayton Liederkranz Turner, which is located at 1400 E. Fifth Street in Dayton. Dayton Liederkranz Turner - Dayton's oldest German organization. The group's purpose is to promote and preserve German culture and traditions in the Miami Valley.
Dayton Vintage Dance.
Dayton Vintage Dance - At Dayton Vintage Dance, we socially dance many types of historical and modern dances.