Simple Secrets of Successful Parenting Monthly Topic Series
Monthly topic series for parents who believe parenting is the most important job they will ever have and want training to do their best. Get tips to respond calmly & competently
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Simple Secrets of Successful Parenting Monthly Topic Series
Free monthly topic series sponsored by:
Soin Medical Center, Greene Medical Foundation, and the Henny Penny Family Grant
Most parents say that parenting is the most important job they will ever have. Yet parenting requires no mandatory qualifications or ongoing training. Many parents attend birth and baby-care classes, but parenting after infancy is a completely different ballgame. Join us each month and get tips to help you in nearly every instance of parenting. Be prepared for the most important job of your life!
?Date:First Saturday of each month
Time: 10 a.m. - Noon
Location: Soin Medical Center, Beavercreek, Ohio
For questions or to register: Call 937-702-4170
April 7 – How to Get Kids to Cooperate, the First Time You Ask
Ever wonder why children often do what you just told them not to do? Find out why your child’s brain makes them do this and a super-simple tool for preventing this. Master the three best tools for getting children to cooperate the first time you ask, without bribes, threats or power struggles. Also find out which tots will go through a “no” phase and which teens will rebel – and how you can beat the odds.
May 5 – And Baby Makes 5
Every family is “blended,” because each parent brings their parenting beliefs to the partnership. You can try to create a new hybrid parenting style --- or do the opposite, if you don’t like how you were raised. This workshop reveals stunning facts about how your parenting brain got programmed and why it’s so hard to change it. You’ll also get practical tips for becoming a more conscious parent, and handling unwanted advice and criticism, so you can feel confident and empowered to make your own parenting decisions.
June 2 – Parenting as a Team
Would you like to prevent arguments over how to raise your children and the temptation to criticize or correct? Attend this workshop to discover whether your current parenting style is likely to help you reach your parenting goals and which parenting practices will get the long-term results you want. Understand why parenting today is different than it was in the past, and what parents can do to prepare children for today’s society. Walk away with three simple steps you and your parenting partners can take to work together as a team.
July 7 – Preventing Sibling Rivalry
Trade in your referee whistle and get equipped with the tools and techniques for preventing and resolving sibling conflicts! Discover the 5 keys to preventing sibling rivalry, how to respond helpfully to the five most common sibling fights, and two quick ways to resolve conflicts that teach children how to solve future disagreements independently and peacefully.
Aug 4- The Top 10 Mistakes Even the Best Parents Usually Make (and How to Avoid or Correct Them)
Have you ever said, "Kids don't come with instructions!" Or, "Parents just have to use trial-and-error to figure out what to do!" Or "Each child is different, so you have to parent them each differently and use a different style." If you have, then you could be struggling more than you need to! Did you know that using trial-and-error and many "common parenting practices" can lead to unintentional mistakes that can harm your child or your relationships? They can even lead to bigger problems that don't show up until later! Attend this workshop to discover parenting Truths and what TO do, to feel confident and competent in any parenting situation.
Sept 1 –Taming Temper Tantrums
Almost all children have a tantrum at some time or another. How you respond or react can determine whether they happen again or get worse. Did you know there are only 4 types of tantrums? Once you know which type your child is having, you can respond helpfully instead of reacting. Discover why these 4 types of tantrums start, how to respond to each, and what to do with destructive tantrums. You’ll also learn why time-outs don’t work, and what to do instead.
Oct 6 – Halting Bedtime Hassles
When you announce that it’s bedtime, does pandemonium break out? Getting children to bed on time, asleep, and staying there is one of the most common challenges parents face. In this workshop, you get creative ideas and practical solutions so bedtime is a fun, pleasant experience for everyone.
Nov 3 – How to Transform Picky Eaters into Healthy Foodies
It’s a wonder sometimes how children can survive on what little they deem fit for their plate! In this workshop, discover how to prevent and respond to picky eaters and learn what to do when children play with their food and make messes instead of eating.
Dec 1 – Why Do Kids Do That? How To Break Children of Bad Habits
Honestly, toddlers can do the most embarrassing things in public! They suck their thumbs, pick their noses, and stick their hands in their diapers. Attend this workshop to find out why toddlers do these things and the best way to break children of these and other bad habits. Bring any of your parenting challenges --- with children of any age --- to this open forum discussion, to get practical, personalized solutions you can use right away.
“Child care not provided. Sleeping or nursing babies welcome.”
Register by calling Soin Medical Center: 937-702-4170
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Parents Toolshop - Provides live and online programs and resources based on The Parents Toolshop curriculum created by Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW,CFLE to parents so they can be the best parent possible.