Art Class: Watercolor Pencils and Paint - Bunny in the Garden
How to paint Bunny in Garden with Watercolor Pencils & Paints Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt.
Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt.
How to paint Bunny in Garden with Watercolor Pencils & Paints Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt.10:30 am - 12:30 pm 23 Park Ave., Oakwood, OH 45419Includes:● 2 Hour Instructional Class● Taught by Artist Amy Gantt (Lula Bell Artist)● Watercolor Pencils, Watercolor Paint and Watercolor paper supplied during class time● Maximum class size 6 adults● 1 Box set of 8 Note cards of your design ($16 value)● Light refreshments and Pastries Cost: Class $40 | Class Pack $35 per = 6 or more classes (must be paid in full prior to first class attending)Sign up today!Call 937-294-3000 or In store sign up. Limited spaces available 16 years old+