Art Class: How to Paint with Watercolor Pencils and Paint
How to paint Whimsical Hot Air Balloon with Watercolor Pencils & Paints. Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt. 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 23 Park Ave., Oakwood, OH 45419
Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt.
How to paint Whimsical Hot Air Balloon with Watercolor Pencils & Paints. Exploring Art through Watercolor Pencils and Paint with Lula Bell artist, Amy Gantt. 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 23 Park Ave., Oakwood, OH 45419Includes:● 2 Hour Instructional Class● Taught by Artist Amy Gantt (Lula Bell Artist)● Watercolor Pencils, Watercolor Paint and Watercolor paper supplied during class time● Maximum class size 6 adults● 1 Box set of 8 Note cards of your design ($16 value)● Light refreshments and Pastries Cost: Class $40 | Class Pack $35 per = 6 or more classes (must be paid in full prior to first class attending) Sign up today! Call 937-294-3000 or In store sign up. Limited spaces available 16 years old+