Churches around Dayton
Find Churches and places of worship in Dayton and the Miami Valley.
Churches in Dayton
Dayton Ohio Churches
AHOP - A House of Prayer
Xenia, OH - Dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all generations.
Alpha Church of the Nazarene
Beavercreek, OH - Alpha Church of the Nazarene is located in the Alpha Community, adjacent to Beavercreek, Xenia, and Dayton. Welcoming individuals and families for worship, friendship, events, and outreach on Saturday nights.
Apex Community Church
Kettering, OH - Ignore the building. Forget the set schedule. If you aren't sure what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, stop in and see us!
Apostolic Lighthouse Church
Dayton, OH - We are a church seeking to serve as The Connect Point for all people, by providing ways to enrich your life and your faith.
Basore Road Grace Brethren
Dayton, OH - We are a body of believers committed to Loving God, Loving others by sharing the life saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and Growing together in love and unity.
Bath Presbyterian Church
Huber Heights, OH - Bath Church has continuously served Jesus Christ in the rural community of Bath Township since 1824. Please know we welcome you as Christ has welcomed us, for the glory of God.
Be Hope Church
Beavercreek, OH - Formerly Beavercreek Church of the Nazarene - Be Hope Church is a faith community that is radically committed to unleashing Hope and helping people find hope through a relationship with Jesus.
Beaver United Church of Christ
Beavercreek, OH - Beaver United Church of Christ is a community of caring individuals brought together by a common bond โ love.
Beavercreek Seventh Day Adventist Church
Beavercreek , OH - Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures.
Belmont Church of Christ
Belmont, OH - We are a family of Christians that not only strive to learn more about our savior but teach others about his word through the teachings of the Holy Bible.
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - The House of God at the corner of Home Avenue and Paul Laurence Dunbar Street in Dayton, Ohio.
Brookville Community Methodist Church
Brookville, OH - To reach out into our community, To make enthusiastic disciples of Jesus Christ.
Brookville Grace Brethren Church
Brookville, OH - The Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches, believing the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible to be the infallible rule of faith and of practice and feeling the responsibility to make known the divine message of the Bible, presents the following articles as a statement of those basic truths taught in the Bible.
Calvary Baptist Church
Xenia , OH - Calvary Baptist Church is a friendly congregation proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ!
Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton
Kettering, OH - Spiritual Community offering classes, meditation, a community, personal growth opportunities, Sunday morning message, community service opportunities. Kids & teens program on Sundays.
Centerbrook Church
Bellbrook, OH - A church in Bellbrook, part of the southeastern Dayton area. We exist to know Christ and to make Him known.
Centerville Community Church
Centerville, OH - Centerville Community Church hosts a variety of events and concerts throughout the year, including a big Christmas eve program.
Centerville United Methodist Church
Centerville, OH - Located in the heart of Centerville, we are a church without walls of Christ followers, serving and intentionally growing disciples.
Central Presbyterian Church
Dayton, OH - A community of faith of the Presbyterian Church-USA in the Moraine/Miami Township area of Dayton, OH.
Charity Baptist Church
Kettering, OH - Charity Baptist has been reaching the Dayton, Ohio area with the Gospel of Christ since 1977.
Christ Church United Methodist
Kettering, OH - We focus on Worship, Service, and Spiritual Growth as the foundation of what we know, practice, and take out into the world. We are work hard to make church something we do, not a place you go!
Christ Episcopal Church
Dayton, OH - Christ Church is a progressive community of Jesus with a history and tradition of gathering in the heart of the city for worship, for wrestling with questions of faith, and for ministry among the poor and the oppressed.
Christ's Church
Bellbrook , OH - Christ's Church is a fellowship of believers whose supreme desire is to love God and to love our neighbor.
Church of Judah Family Worship Center
Dayton, OH - Our Vision: Reconciling, Restoring, and Reviving families with the Word and worship. Mission: Jeremiah 1:10 .
Church of the Cross United Methodist
Kettering, OH - Church of the Cross is a growing community of faith where Jesus Christ changes lives.
Church of the Incarnation
Centerville, OH - We are the Catholic, Christian community of Incarnation Parish in Centerville, Ohio.
City Church Dayton
Dayton, OH - Pastor Charlie leads City Church with a strong vision and passion to see Christ's followers filled with His fullness.
City Hope Church
Springboro, OH - City Hope is a relevant and relational church in Springboro, Ohio.
City Movement Church
Dayton, OH - A church unchurched people would love to attend. It's a Place to Meet Jesus and a Movement Making Him Known! We love our community and are here to serve.
Clearcreek Chapel
Miamisburg, OH - Clearcreek Chapel is a commissional community of believers and followers.
College Hill Community Church PC (USA)
Dayton, OH - Join us for 10:30 am worship. Our service is bi-lingual (Spanish and English). Nursery and Sunday School provided during worship service. All are welcome!
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Springboro, OH - Called by God to construct and cultivate a community of God's people who celebrate and communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ.
CrossRoads Christian Fellowship
Tipp City, OH - We invite you to join us on this marvelous life journey!
Crossroads Church Dayton
Bellbrook, OH - Crossroads Church Dayton was made for you. Currently meeting at Bellbrook Middle School.
Crossroads Vineyard Church
Huber Heights, OH - We want to help each person take their next step closer to God. We do this by seeking truth, worshipping God, living in community, growing in our faith, and seeking to live God's mission in our world.
Crossview Church
Waynesville, OH - We're real people dealing with the real issues of life. We're people who laugh, struggle, and love. We think life happens best in the context of community. We take the commitment of following Jesus seriously and we'd love to have you join us on the journey.
Dixon United Methodist Church
Dayton, OH - Dixon United Methodist Church is a body of believers that believe in reaching out and raising up.
East Dayton Christian Church
Dayton, OH - East Dayton is a place for you to start over. No matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, God's grace gives us a new beginning.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Kettering, OH - Emmanuel Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in Kettering, OH, committed to spreading the love of Christ in our community and throughout the world.
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church West is located in Dayton, OH where the pastor is Pastor Reginald R. Frey.
Englewood Baptist Church
Englewood, OH - At EBC we teach Biblical truth, make disciples, develop leaders, and plant churches in accordance with and in obedience to the Great Commandment (Matt. 22:36-40) and the Great Commission.
Englewood Christian Assembly of God
Englewood, OH - Englewood Christian Assembly of God is a full gospel, Bible believing church with exuberant worship. Classes for all ages. Join us Sunday at 10:00 AM!
Epiphany Lutheran Church
Centerville, OH - Epiphany Lutheran Church is a community of people who love Jesus by serving others and who make Christ's love known to others through authentic connections.
Eternal Joy Metrepolitan Community Church
Kettering, OH - We are an all-inclusive church who believes God's love, mercy, and grace extends to everyone. We have multiple events and fundraising opportunities every year. Come join us!
Evangel Church of God
dayton, OH - Evangel Church of God also has a School - Evangel Academy and a Thrift Store and Food Pantry.
Exodus Ministries Inc.
Englewood, OH - We see Exodus Ministries as a refreshing, Holy Spirit - filled, multi-cultural, church family, impacting our community, nation and world through the power of God.
Fairborn United Methodist Church
Fairborn, OH - A Relevant Church that Unchurched People Want to Attend.
Fairborn Wright View Nazarene Church
Fairborn, OH - At Fairborn Wright View Church we love God, we love our community, and we love you!
Fairhaven Church
Centerville, OH - Fairhaven is a multisite, intergenerational church. Our worship is vibrant, our preaching is practical and our ministries will help you find hope as you grow closer to Jesus.
Fairmont Baptist Church
Kettering, OH - The purpose of Fairmont Baptist Church is to worship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We want others to also know Him as their personal Saviour.
Fairmont Presbyterian Church
Kettering, OH - Located on Far Hills Avenue, Kettering, FPC welcomes you, no matter what your spiritual or church background may be.
Fairview Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - "SHARING THE GOOD NEWS, LOVING PEOPLE" Serving Dayton Ohio in association with the Southern Baptist Convention.
Fairview United Methodist Church
Dayton, OH - Fairview Church has been committed to serving Jesus Christ in northwest Dayton Ohio for over 125 years.
Faith Baptist Church
Beavercreek, OH - Faith Baptist Church is a local Baptist church that seeks to glorify God and our Savior Jesus Christ through Bible teaching, worship, fellowship and outreach.
Far Hills Community Church
Dayton, OH - Contemporary Christian body of believers located at 5800 Clyo Rd in Dayton, Ohio.
First Baptist Church Of Dayton
Dayton, OH - First Baptist Church of Dayton is a Baptist Church in the heart of downtown Dayton.
First Baptist Church of Fairborn
Fairborn, OH - We are family here at First Baptist Church. Come and join the family of God!
First Baptist Church of Ridgewood Heights
Dayton, OH - A loving church where God is supreme and Jesus is king and the Holy Spirit has His own way.
First Baptist Church of West Carrollton
West Carrollton, OH - Are you looking for a church? Somewhere to meet new friends in a welcome atmosphere? First Baptist Church of West Carrollton would like to invite you to join us at our next service.
First Baptist Kettering
Kettering, OH - Mission Statement: Inviting people to be transformed by Jesus!
First Christian Church Huber Heights
Huber Height, OH - Nobody is perfect......Everyone is welcome......Anything is possible.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Centerville, OH - We are a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
First Grace Church
Vandalia, OH - First Grace Church (Dayton's "Drive-In Church" as featured in FORBES Magazine) is an exciting, Bible- centered ministry for all ages and a place where you'll fit!
First Presbyterian Church
Middletown, OH - It is our hope that you'll explore our website to learn more about our community of faith, our mission and ministries.
First Presbyterian Church Yellow Springs
Yellow Springs, OH - Historic church in Yellow Springs, OH with a vibrant small congregation, beautiful stone building that is also home to Scouts, Chamber Music YS, YS Theater, Community Band, Art Groups, etc.
First United Methodist Church of Troy
Troy, OH - @ Troy First, we are people who are not perfect. We make mistakes. We are sinners. We are striving towards Christ. Join us to be more than a fan.
Generations Church
Brookville, OH - Generations Church is an Open Bible Church devoted to loving people, building strong families, establishing leaders, reaching people, connecting to God, and using creative gifts to reach the world
Germantown United Methodist Church
Germantown, OH - We are a church community Connecting people to Christ by Growing in faith as disciples, Reaching out in service and Celebrating the Presence of God.
Ginghamsburg Church
Tipp City, OH - -a mission-driven church -a people committed to world change -a United Methodist community actively serving locally, nationally and globally
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Kettering, OH - Created saved and gifted by God, we seek, serve, and share Jesus Christ.
Grace Community Church
Huber Heights, OH - Grace Community Church is a Grace Brethren church in Huber Heights, Ohio, near Dayton. We are community of believers focused on exalting God and encouraging people.
Grace Covenant Church
Beavercreek, OH - Grace Covenant Church is a non-denominational church with reformed baptist convictions.
Grace Crossing Church
Beavercreek, OH - Grace Crossing Church exists to spiritually resource those aspiring to follow Jesus Christ.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Springfield, OH - Our mission is to be a caring community of believers.
Grace United Methodist Church
Dayton, OH - If you are searching for one that fits your present spiritual needs, we offer Grace Church. Through the decades it has been the spiritual home of people from our neighborhood, and also people who live as far away as Springfield and Springboro, Eaton and Englewood.
GracePoint Church
Beavercreek, OH - An exciting and growing Christian, non-denomination church located in Beavercreek, just 1 mile east of I-675 and The Greene at 3899 Indian Ripple Road. Services are casual. Sunday morning service begins at 10:45 AM, nursery and children's services during morning worship! Come be encouraged!
Greenmont Oak Park Church
Dayton, OH - No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
Harmony Creek Church
Dayton, OH - A leading, vital voice for Progressive Christianity in the Miami Valley.
Hawker United Church of Christ
Beavercreek, OH - No matter where you come from, no matter how you look, no matter what you do, Hawker Church has something specifically for you. You are welcome, just as you come through the door.
Hearken Unto The King Ministries
Dayton, OH - We Are A Christian Ministry Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Holy Bible
High Street United Methodist Church
Springfield, OH - At High Street we are building a community that celebrates, nurtures and serves in the love of Jesus Christ. We hope our website will help you connect with the many ministries of our church.
Hillcrest Baptist Church
Carlisle, OH - Hillcrest Baptist Church is affiliated with the Miami Valley Baptist Association and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Holy Angels Parish
Dayton, OH - We are called to live the message of Jesus Christ, and reach out to each other and the wider community.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Dayton, OH - Dayton OH - A 147-year-old vibrant inner-city parish of more than 500 families and 1300 members.
Hope Lutheran of Dayton
Dayton, OH - The Hope Lutheran Church, founded in 1881, is located just minutes from downtown Dayton, in the South Park neighborhood.
Hope United Methodist Church
Dayton, OH - We want you to feel like you've come home. So come in, relax and be refreshed. As you tour this website, it is the desire and purpose of all of us at Hope Church that you find what you need to help you have a great day and a great life.
Hopeland Church
Dayton, OH - Hopeland is a Jesus centered church with a passion to share the love of God and the power of His forgiveness.
Huber Heights First Baptist Church
Huber Heights, OH - We pray that this web home and the ministries of Huber Heights FBC will be a glimpse of the great glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Immaculate Conception Church
Dayton, OH - Immaculate Conception Parish is a community of disciples that embraces Christ's call to holiness, community and servanthood.
Jubilee Community Church
Miamisburg, OH - Our motto is โA People Set Free To Serve.โ We hope you will feel right at home and more importantly that you experience the love and presence of God!
Kettering Adventist Church
Dayton, OH - We believe that church is not just a building we visit, but a group of people who daily choose to follow Jesus togetherโto be church to each other and to the world around us.
Kettering Church
Kettering, OH - We're a group of committed Christ-followers serving our community and neighborhood in Kettering. Come join in our adventure and get connected!
King of Kings Lutheran Church
Mason, OH - King of Kings has been reaching out to the greater Mason community with the Good News of Jesus Christ since its charter in 1980.
Kirkmont Presbyterian Church
Beavercreek, OH - Our mission is to be a gathered family of faith in Christ. Come and walk with us as we deepen our relationship with God and take hold of Christ's high calling for His Church.
Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Lebanon, OH - The mission of Lebanon Presbyterian Church is to build the Kingdom of God by producing disciples who personally know Jesus Christ as Savior.
LifePoint Community Church
Miamisburg, OH - LifePoint exists to Engage people with the truth of Jesus Christ.
Lifepointe Church
Kettering, OH - Reaching out with God's love and lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Xenia, OH - Whether you're checking out God and church for the first time or are looking for a new place to call home, Lifeway has a place for you!
Living Hope Church
Centerville, OH - We are committed to building a church that is real, transformed, connected and poured out!
Living Water Dayton
Dayton, OH - We exist to be a resource on your journey to becoming a fully committed Christ follower.
Living Water Lutheran Church
Centerville, OH - We truly believe that the church does not just exist for its membership, but also for those that have never heard of Christ and those who have fallen away from the Church for whatever reason. It is our congregational objective that the majority of our ministries happen outside our church doors to impact lives and make the communities we serve better.
Living Word Church
Vandalia, OH - Living Word Church is a non-denominational Bible believing church that serves the Dayton area.
Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Dayton, OH - We are a Christian congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and we are here as servants of God and disciples/followers of Jesus Christ!
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - Macedonia is a Christ-Centered congregation that Develops Disciples by being Committed To the Master, Connected through Ministry and Concerned about Man.
Maiden Lane Church of God
Springfield, OH - Maiden Lane exists to Live, Love, and Serve like Jesusโฆ
Marshall Road Church of God
Kettering, OH - How long has it been since you went to church and felt like you were at home? If you haven't, we at Marshall Road Church would like to extend an invitation to come as you are and make yourself at home.
Mary, Help of Christians
Fairborn, OH - We have approximately 30 parish organizations which help guide and educate the youngest to the oldest of our parishioners. We invite you to become involved in one of the many ministries that are available in our parish.
Medway United Methodist Church
New Carlisle, OH - Medway Church-where Church isn't boring. At Medway, we want to make sure that all who come feel welcome. We invite you to dress casually and enjoy true worship โ Medway style!
Miami Valley Church
Miamisburg, OH - Miami Valley Church is a modern, Christian Church in Miamisburg, Ohio that is casual about style, but serious about faith!
Miami Valley Community Church
Miamisburg, OH - Helping People Find the Way Back to God - At MVCC we believe that living life the Jesus way is the best possible way to live.
Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Dayton, OH - Nurturing the spirit, loving inclusively, healing our world...
Miamisburg Christian Church
Miamisburg, OH - Helping people begin and build a relationship with Jesus.
Miamisburg First Church of the Nazarene
Miamisburg, OH - We are a holiness family church that values and embraces all people.
Mount Enon Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - We will LEAD the World through the Word according to Acts 1:8.
Mount Zion Church
Xenia, OH - Our prayer is that Mt. Zion is the place where you find others who will stand with you, pray with you and lift you up; that through this community, you will experience the life-changing power of the Living God.
New Beginnings Church of God
Huber Heights, OH - Whether you are looking for answers to your questions about Jesus Christ and how he can make a difference in your life, or looking for a Christian fellowship to make your spiritual home, we would be delighted to meet you and pray with you. Please feel welcome to visit our worship services.
New Era Baptist Church
Middletown, OH - A Christ-Centered setting where people in this community can be redeemed to a personal relationship with Christ, reconciled to God and His people, restored to wholeness, to well being, and revived for a full service to others. In this Church you can be Redeemed, Reconciled, Restored, and Revived.
New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dayton, OH - New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church is a community minded congregation. We service the local community with pantry services and house a variety of community meetings.
New Hope Life Church
Dayton, OH - We are a Spirit-Led church that loves Jesus and people. We believe God's will for us is to trust Jesus with our life and to live with purpose!
New Lebanon Church of the Nazarene
New Lebanon, OH - We are a Christ-centered church that desires to spread the good news of Jesus in our community. If you do not have a church home, come and visit with us.
New Life Worship Center
Dayton, OH - Our MISSION is to be a relevant church in our city and our world, providing a conduit from man to God and God to man through Evangelism, Fellowship, Worship, Teaching, and Preaching.
New Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - We are a Bible believing God centered church. We are small in size, but very big in the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Come visit and fellowship with us.
Normandy United Methodist Church
Centerville, OH - Making disciples of Jesus Christ, and bringing the love of God into the home, workplace, community and world.
Northridge Free Will Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - The objectives of this church shall be the carrying out of the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in winning the lost to Him.
Northwest Church of Christ
Trotwood, OH - Is a church building a community by changing lives to the glory of God. Where the members value commitment, love, unity, excellence and service. The mission is saving souls and keeping souls saved.
Oak Creek United Church of Christ
Kettering, OH - We live in a world where people are looking for a Bible-based value system that will give meaning to life. Here in Oak Creek Church, we welcome you to join with us as we seek to live out the commandment of Christ for us to love one another as he loved us from the cross.
Oak Creek Worship Center
Kettering, OH - Worship Center is a unique church, in that we encourage an informal and family-like atmosphere.
Oakwood United Methodist Church
Oakwood, OH - Nestled within a friendly, neighborhood community, Oakwood UMC is one block east of Far Hills Avenue at the corner of Shafor Blvd. and Hadley Ave.
Ohmer Park United Methodist Church
Dayton, OH - Our passion is seeking the will of God our compassion is our community.
Omega Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - We are a People Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Serve Families, Communities, and the World.
Parkview Church of the Nazarene
Kettering, OH - At Parkview Church of the Nazarene, we want to see your family succeed. Whether your family is large, or you're a family of one, we desire to provide different opportunities to meet the needs of every member.
Parkview United Methodist Church
Miamisburg, OH - Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.
Patterson Park Church
Beavercreek, OH - Non-denominational church in Beavercreek, Ohio. We invite you to spend some time getting to know us and hope to see you soon!
Phillips Temple CME Church
Trotwood, OH - Work with one another, Witness to the World, and Welcome all People
Real Life Church
Centerville, OH - Real Life Church is a life-giving church located in Centerville, OH. Our purpose is to create environments where people can connect with God and each other.
Redeemer Church
Hamilton, OH - Committed to making a difference in each other's lives, as well as reaching out in love to those in our community. We hope you will come and visit us!
Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Beavercreek, OH - Preaching All of God's Word, Sharing All of Christ's Love.
Redemption Gospel Church
Dayton, OH - We are a casual, come as you are, upbeat, foot stomping, Holy Ghost jumping, Praising God, Pentecostal church.
Refuge City Church
Dayton, OH - Refuge City Church meets at 10:30am on Sunday mornings in Dayton, and community groups that meet throughout the week for bible study, meals & working with local nonprofits.
Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dayton, OH - Resurrection is a warm, loving Lutheran church conveniently located off Alex Bell Road in Centerville, OH. Come and hear the Word of God preached authentically in a welcoming community of believers.
RiverSong Church
Springfield, OH - As a family, we will demonstrate the goodness of God everywhere we go and expand His Kingdom through love, power, and service.
Saint Peter Catholic Church
Huber Heights, OH - Huber Heights - Following the Apostolic calling of St. Peter, we as parishioners endeavor to be Christian witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Salem Church of God
Clayton, OH - We believe that everyone should know and experience the amazing love of God.
Serenity Baptist Church
West Chester, OH - We believe that the church is a local body of baptized believers with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head.
Shelter Church
Kettering, OH - Mission: To lead every person into a life changing relationship with Jesus.
Shroyer Road Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - We want to know Jesus, grow in Jesus, and show Jesus' love to others
Solid Rock Church
Lebanon, OH - Solid Rock Church of Lebanon, Ohio is a dynamic, cross-cultural, non-denominational place of worship, where all are welcomed and loved.
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Centerville, OH - Inviting to Worship - Learning in Community - Serving as Stewards
Spirit Life Church
Dayton, OH - Spirit Life Church is a non-denominational, contemporary church located in Dayton, Ohio. Spirit Life Church is striving to be a collective missionary to the city of Dayton.
St Rita Catholic Church
Dayton, OH - Our parish's mission is to nurture personal and spiritual growth, worship and pray together, and always reflect the face of Jesus Christ to our community.
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
Beavercreek, OH - St. Andrew is truly an Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors community where you will be warmly welcomed into the body of Christ.
St. Anthony Parish
Dayton, OH - St. Anthony Parish began in East Dayton in 1913. Our elementary School began in 1915. We are a Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
St. Benedict the Moor
Dayton, OH - A Catholic community united in faith, Hope and Love and dedicated to the love of God and neighbor.
St. Boniface Catholic Church
Piqua, OH - A parish family working together on the journey through this world to make Christ visible by their love for one another.
St. Brigid Parish
Xenia, OH - Catholic faith-filled community that celebrates a sacramental life to bring the love of God to all.
St. Charles Parish
Kettering, OH - A Catholic community united in faith and dedicated to the love of God and neighbor.
St. Christopher Parish
Vandalia, OH - St. Christopher Catholic Church is a vibrant Vandalia Parish that offers a wide variety of activities/opportunities for spiritual growth through bible studies to community events for all ages.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Centerville, OH - We are a Franciscan-formed family drawn together by Christ to worship and grow, sent forth by Him in joy to serve, inspire, and share His Gospel of Love.
St. Helen Parish
Dayton, OH - A family is our first community and the most basic way in which the Lord gathers us, forms us and acts in the world.
St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church
Dayton, OH - St, Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Catholic Church is a Catholic Church in the Easter, Maronite-Rite Tradition. We are fully Catholic, under the authority of the Pope in Rome. All are invited.
St. Jacob Lutheran Church
Miamisburg, OH - Jacob's Church is a historic Lutheran church in Miamisburg, Ohio.
St. James United Methodist Church
Miamisburg, OH - Our vision is to be a place to worship, to form transforming relationships, and serve so that God's children live out their faith in Christian action.
St. John Lutheran Church Ingomar
West Alexandria, OH - St. John Lutheran Church comes together to love God and one another, serve others and share God's word.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Tipp City, OH - Whether you are a parishioner, a potential new parishioner or are simply surfing the web, welcome to our Parish!
St. John's Lutheran Church
Miamisburg, OH - We are Christian Disciples Serving the World While Receiving, Rejoicing, and Relaying God's Grace!
St. John's United Church of Christ
Dayton, OH - No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here!
St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church
Beavercreek, OH - We are called to be a praying, caring, teaching, & serving sign of God's presence!
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Trotwood, OH - St. Margaret's Episcopal Church is a congregation regenerated and empowered for ministry. We are looking forward to having you worship with us.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Dayton, OH - Our mission is to gather in worship and fellowship, to learn, to teach, to nurture, to give thanks for God's blessings, and then to scatter in service by taking our unique gifts and talents to minister to the needs of those whose lives touch ours.
St. Mary
Piqua, OH - St. Mary Parish not only has the distinction of being one of the oldest parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, but one of the oldest in the state of Ohio.
St. Mary Catholic Church
Dayton, OH - St. Mary's Catholic Church, established 1859, serves the neighborhood and its parishners as a spiritual home.
St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
Springboro, OH - Everyone is invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected here at St. Mary Church.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Huber Heights, OH - A Missouri Synod Lutheran Church based in Huber Heights, Ohio, and serving the greater Dayton area.
St. Mina and St. Abanoub Church
Miamisburg, OH - St. Mina and St. Abanoub Coptic Orthodox Church in Miamisburg (Dayton) Ohio.
St. Paul Catholic Church
Englewood, OH - Our parish's mission is to nurture personal and spiritual growth, worship and pray together, and always reflect the face of Jesus Christ to our community.
State Road United Methodist Church
Germantown, OH - You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God's grace through our time together.
Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church
Kettering, OH - As faithful followers of Christ, we seek by our actions to witness to Christ's love in the world: globally, in our nation, and in the community where we have been planted.
Sulphur Grove United Methodist Church
Huber Heights, OH - Sulphur Grove United Methodist Church in Huber Heights, Ohio. We are committed to growing disciples of Jesus Christ, living and sharing God's love.
Summit Christian Church
Trotwood, OH - All are welcome to become part of the Summit Christian family.
The Ark Church
Miamisburg , OH - We are a Non-Denominational, FULL GOSPEL, Bible preaching church, devoted to the praise, worship, and lifting up of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Come worship with us!
The Body Dayton
Dayton, OH - We exist to show Christ's love through Acceptance, Authenticity, and Action.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Downtown
Dayton, OH - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Dayton OH.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Kettering, OH - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Greater Dayton area has over 8,000 members. Focus; Christ, Family, Community service, family history,
The Covenant at Sugar Grove
Tipp City, OH - We invite you to get to know us and discover how God is being exalted in the midst of this local church.
The First Heavy Metal Church of Christ
Dayton, OH - Come as you are! Worship every Sunday at noon. Children & teen ministries for ages 3-17! Hope to see you there!
The Gathering
Centerville, OH - The Gathering is a place where grace and people meet. Our mission is to bring hope and healing to a broken world through the message of Jesus Christ.
The River Church
Middletown, OH - The River Church is a community of people who are committed to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Vineyard
Beavercreek, OH - To demonstrate God's unconditional love, and create a safe environment where people can grow into mature followers of Jesus Christ - located in Beavercreek, OH
Tipp City Global Methodist Church
Tipp City, OH - Tipp City GMC - A community church helping people help people.
Tipp City Zion Lutheran Church
Tipp City, OH - Zion Lutheran Church (founded in 1826) is part of the Evangelical Lutheran in America denomination.
Today Church
Beavercreek, OH - Looking for a church or curious about God? Are you in a rough place in life and looking for hope? Come as you are and you will be loved. Find God Find Community Find Purpose
Trinity Church of Miamisburg
Miamisburg, OH - Non-denominational congregation of believers in Jesus Christ that desire to perpetuate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and advance the Kingdom of God in our congregation, community and around the world.
Turner Church of Christ
Dayton, OH - We invite you to come and be a part of our worship. It is our desire to worship God in a setting of unity, love, and friendship. Your presence would be a blessing to the worship assembly.
United Christian Church
Clayton, OH - Our Vision: To be a faithful growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice.
United Missionary Baptist Church
Dayton, OH - A Bible-believing, Word-centered Church, where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in operation.
Unity of Dayton
Huber Heights, OH - Unity of Dayton is a Center of Spiritual Growth for the individual based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. We honor the diversity of all people. We are committed to the highest spiritual purposes of Universal Love, Peace, Prosperity, Service, and Oneness with God.
University Baptist Church
Beavercreek, OH - We would love to have you join us! It won't take long for you to discover that University is a very loving family. We want to welcome you and make you feel welcome as we provide a safe environment for you to grow in your faith.
Vandalia Nazarene Church
Dayton, OH - Vandalia Nazarene is a church of all, and for all, generations.
Victory Temple Church
Fairborn, OH - An imperfect Church for imperfect people worshipping a PERFECT Savior! Jesus Christ.
Washington Heights Baptist Church
Centerville, OH - Washington Heights Baptist Church exists to glorify God and live as a family of Christian believers devoted to Christ's mission of salvation in our community and worldwide with a growing love for God, the Bible, and our neighbors everywhere.
Waynesville United Methodist Church
Waynesville, OH - Make authentic followers of Jesus Christ and serve others in Jesus' name.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Dayton, OH - Committed to expressing our love of God through inspirational worship in the Reformed tradition.
Xenia Grace Chapel
Xenia, OH - Our mission is to lovingly lead, disciple and equip people to serve and glorify God.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dayton, OH - "Reflecting Christ Through Serving in Our Community", we are proud to be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Zion Lutheran Church
Middletown, OH - We follow Jesus' footsteps by inviting others to experience God's love.