Professional Headshot Event

Professional Headshot Event

Professional headshots by Knack Creative in their downtown studio

Event details

Address: 42 W 5th St, Dayton, OH 45402 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Tue, Jul 24 2018)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: $195.00

Professional Headshot Event

We know you're busy, so we've crafted a specialized executive portrait session to get you in, out, and on your way with high-quality professional headshots. This 20-minute appointment will give you at least 8 proofs to select from and two final, edited, high-resolution files to use in print or digitally however you might need for $195. A 'quick makeup' application prior to your portraits can be provided by our makeup artist and is complimentary with your booking. 

Knack Creative

Professional Headshot Event is taking place at Knack Creative, which is located at 42 W 5th St in Dayton. Knack Creative - Video. Photo. Strategy. We create work with meaning.

Dayton Events Calendar

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