7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton
last updated 03/06/2015

There's simply nothing like March Madness, and we're excited! Here are seven signs we know it's getting close!
7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton
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- A day at the office is now 10% Facebook and 80% checking scores. (10% might actually be work.)
- Madness over when NCR left town is now focused on basketball.
- Family photos are covered by brackets
- More talk about who won than the weather.
- The pizza, wings and beer diet kicks-in.
- People choose Dayton, Ohio over Daytona, Florida as a vacation destination.
- UD arena parking lot is now fuller than the one on I-75 through downtown.
Photos: 7 Signs March Madness Is Coming To Dayton

Here are seven signs we know it's getting close!