Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association

The diagnosis of Down Syndrome may put a name on a debilitating condition, but for parents it is only the first step in a lifelong journey of caring for their child.
Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association
The diagnosis of Down Syndrome may put a name on a debilitating condition, but for parents it is only the first step in a lifelong journey of caring for their child.
Spurred by the many hardships the condition can have on a family, a group of Dayton natives formed the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association. Paula Bier, office administrator for the group, notes the great difficulty which can come with raising a child with Down Syndrome.
Dayton Local: How did the organization get started and what services do you provide?
Paula Bier: "We started in 1977 with a few parents of children with Down Syndrome. It's a family support organization for families with children and adults with Down Syndrome. We have fundraisers throughout the year and monthly meetings with guest speakers to help families with what they're dealing with."
"We also provide scholarships that we give out every year. Members apply and they can use the money for therapies, camps and educational materials for their children with Down Syndrome. We also have sponsored events that members are able to attend, different social events."
DL: What is the need for families living with Down Syndrome?
PB: "In our membership alone we have 160 families; I know there are more out there who aren't members of ours.
"The need for younger families when they get the first diagnosis is huge. Parent support is big, and they need to know what kinds of services are out there for their kids. Even though we don't directly offer those services for their kids, we do help direct them to the different places in the community and the county that can help them and their children, especially with all the medical needs that come along with having a child with Down Syndrome."
DL: How can people help?
PB: "Our website is, and we do have a page where you can donate and volunteer. Our big event is the Buddy Walk - our Annual 5K Run/Walk on March 16. This past year we had 3,500 people attend the walk in Dayton Dragons Stadium. It's out biggest event and we always need volunteers for it. We have other events that come up throughout the year, and people can fill out forms to volunteer for one group or another."
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Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association (MVDSA).
Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association (MVDSA) - The Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association strives to provide information, support and resources to individuals with down syndrome, their families and their communities.