The Walk for Mental Health Awareness

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The Walk for Mental Health Awareness

5K Walk Dayton VA Medical Center - Grab your walking shoes & come have fun at the cookout with the live band Smithville South.

Event details

Address: 4100 W. Third Street , Dayton, OH 45428 [Map/directions]
Event has passed (Sat, May 12 2018)
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Cost: FREE

The Walk for Mental Health Awareness

Join the 2018 Walk for Mental Health Awareness!  NAMI of Montgomery County is raising funds necessary to ensure its continuation of services.  Everyone can attend!  Bring friends and family, as there will be booths with information giveaways, and services available for all.  A cookout, band, raffle, and the Grand Prize Drawing will follow the walk. Select “events” to register at The May 12th event will be held in Building 305 at the VA Medical Center with same day registration starting at 8:30 a.m., free Zumba commencing at 9:20 a.m. and the walk beginning at 10:00 a.m.

Dayton VA Medical Center

The Walk for Mental Health Awareness is taking place at Dayton VA Medical Center, which is located at 4100 W. Third Street in Dayton. Dayton VA Medical Center - The Dayton VA Medical Center is a state of the art teaching facility that has been serving Veterans for 150 years.

Dayton Events Calendar

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