Learn to salsa dance followed by axe throwing

The perfect date night has arrived, salsa dancing and axe throwing!
Event details
* this page may be updated if event is repeated in the future *
Learn to salsa dance followed by axe throwing
Always wanted to take salsa dance lessons with your significant other but they keep saying no? Tell them there will be axe throwing involved! Always wanted to try dancing or axe throwing but didn't have someone to do it with? You'll be paired with plenty of awesome people! Can't dance? No problem! Not only is beginner salsa super easy but we now have over 55 adult beverage choices at Wild Axe Throwing to help with your moves!
Wild Axe Throwing has partnered up with the DaytOn1 Salsa group and will have trained instructors to teach you the basics of Salsa Dancing for one hour. Afterwards you will be paired up with a trained axe master to throw some axes for an hour! The best of both worlds!
You do not need a partner for this event! Get your salsa on at Wild Axe Throwing!
Please book your experience in advance at wildaxethrowing.com, select book your game, then select the date November 3rd, 2019 and you'll see the 5:30pm event for salsa dancing.
All members of DaytOn1 salsa group will receive a discount to the event through David Sommer.